You know when you have something ahead of you to which you’re really looking forward and it is hard to stay present without thinking about what is to come? And how the days only slowly pass by in anticipation of the exciting event? This was how we experienced Eastern Manitoba. It was the space between us and our exciting event: going to Grandmaman’s and Grandpapa’s. I suspect there are many neat and wonderful thing to see and do between the provincial border and Shoal Lake, but we didn’t see or do anything much. It was a final push all the way to Shoal Lake and the much anticipated two-week visit with Erik’s family and reliable internet.
We did have to make one stop, however, in Brandon. We noticed that Taylor (our trailer) was sitting lower on one side than the other. This hadn’t been the case when we left home so we knew something was amiss. We pulled into a dealership in Brandon who confirmed that our leaf springs were very flat and needed replacing. They sent us down the street to a spring expert where we got the final confirmation, a plan for resolution, and an appointment for a few days later. Taylor was road safe but we took it easy over big bumps.
Our stay in Shoal Lake was full of a few “firsts”. The girls had their first solo horse back riding experience. As a family we completed our first big juicy project. Simon and Molly jumped off a high diving board for the first time. The kids went fishing with actual bait for the first time. Most surprising of all, I listened to my daughters speak French in a play environment; giving directions, negotiating terms of play, even explaining rules. What!? They NEVER speak French around us. I didn’t know they even knew that much French.
The family tackled some fun tasks together and spent some much needed time playing. The girls accosted Grandmaman every morning to be the chef at their breakfast restaurant, Chez Couture, where “all your sweet and salty dreams come true”. They made menus, wrote down orders, and served the whole family. The boys had a blast fighting each other with lightsabers, building hotwheels tracks, and using the big construction vehicles in the sandbox. Claire had Grandmanan helping her with a sewing project which got the others interested. Simon made pillows and sleeping bags for his two stuffed owls. Everyone helped with Edventurism Space Academy which led to its greatest success.
And then there was our Christmas in July, and Simon’s 5th birthday!
The kids decided to celebrate with a dance party. They laid out snacks, put on some music, and decorated the basement. With the help of René’s surprisingly large collection of disco balls and strobe lights, the place was transformed into a legit nightclub!
Our time together passed by much too quickly, as time does when fun is being had.
Until next time, Shoal Lake.